Sri Ramesh Bhai Ojha. The way he narrates Bhagawat Katha is wonderful. His pravachan is also full of Music. If you listen to Bapu, and Ramesh Bhai (Bhai shree) we do not get any doubts about God and love for God. He says sakha bhakti (friendly devotion) is what the cowherds enjoyed with Lord Krishna .And that is more wonderfull. People get stress free after his parvachan
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Download Wallpaper anandmurti gurumaa,Sant Shri Asaramji,Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji,Awakning with Brahma Kumaris,Pujya Morari Bapu,sudhanshuji maharaj,sureshanand,swami Ramdev ji{Click to enlarge}
Sri Ramesh Bhai Ojha
Posted by prashant at 9:31 AM