A Divine breeze permeated the entire brahmand on the Sharat Poornima night of October, 1922, when Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj appeared in Mangarh village (near Allahabad, India) in a most respectable brahman family. From the very first day he delighted the hearts of everyone around him with his sweet smile and serene look.
Sharat Poornima is the famous full moon night of October when Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani revealed the true Vrindaban Bliss about 5,000 years ago that enticed the heart of God Shiv.
Kripaluji Maharaj is lovingly called Maharajji by his devotees. Since childhood his extraordinary virtues were noticed by the people. (As a custom of the family, his elderly people got him married at an early age.) When he was around fourteen years of age he went to Indore to study Sanskrit literature, and, to the amazement of the teachers of that institution, whatever topic he chose to study, he mastered all of them within two years.
His sankirtan programs of those days were like the vivid glow of Radha Krishn love that touched every heart, inspired everyone who was there and thrilled every soul who desired Krishn love. Quite often he revealed the Bliss of ‘Hari Bol...’ in his Bhavavesh ecstasy during satsang.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhuji, who was the descension of Radha Rani, showered the true nectar of Krishn name through the chanting of ‘Hare Ram...’ and revealed the most amazing ecstatic state of Radha Bhao in his ‘Hari Bol...’ chanting which happened only during the ecstasy (Bhavavesh). According to the known history of the rasik Saints, these eminent states of Radha Krishn love were revealed on the earth planet by Chaitanya Mahaprabhuji for the first time in the last 5,000 years. The same expressions of Divine love were seen in Shree Kripaluji Maharaj when he chanted ‘Hare Ram...’ and sang ‘Hari Bol...’ in ecstasy.
Thus, resounding Uttar Pradesh (Agra, Mathura, Allahabad, etc.) with ‘Hari Bol...’ he again came back to Mahu in early 1942. Apart from nam sankirtan, he began to sing leela pad (songs) also.
His unlimited Grace on the souls
From the early morning until he goes to bed, Shree Maharajji is among the devotees showering the nectar of Krishn love in many ways. Sometimes he is playfully talking with the devotees, sometimes he is giving darshan, sometimes he is walking among the devotees in the satsang hall and giving them a feeling of closeness with him, sometimes he is introducing a new line of chanting, sometimes he is giving a devotional speech, and so on. Chanting of the names, virtues and the leelas is always going on wherever Shree Maharajji stays.
Shree Maharajji mostly resides in his ashrams at Mangarh, Barsana and Vrindaban. Thousands of people visit these Divine centers to have Shree Maharajji’s darshan and to participate in ecstatic chanting programs and celebrations like Holi, Guru Poornima, Janmashtmi, Radha Ashtmi, Sharat Poornima, and Divali etc. Sometimes Shree Maharajji visits different cities and towns of India to enlighten the hearts and minds of the huge audiences that gather to hear his explanations of the Divine philosophy. His vivid descriptions of Radha Krishn leelas and virtues thrill the audience with the experience of Krishn love.
In March, 2002 a historical event took place when Shree Maharajji went to Jagannath Puri in Orissa during his visit to Bhuvaneshwar and gave his darshan to thousands of enthusiastic devotees. In Bhuvaneshwar he Graced the enormous crowds with the Divine knowledge in his amazing discourses and imparted devotional love into the hearts of the devotees through his powerful chantings of Radha Krishn name.
Shree Maharajji’s entire life is the revelation of the state of Radha Krishn love.
More @ (www.jkp.org/home/home.html)
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Download Wallpaper anandmurti gurumaa,Sant Shri Asaramji,Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji,Awakning with Brahma Kumaris,Pujya Morari Bapu,sudhanshuji maharaj,sureshanand,swami Ramdev ji{Click to enlarge}
Jagadguru Kripaluji
Posted by prashant at 11:11 AM
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a universally revered spiritual and humanitarian leader. His vision of a violence-free, stress-free society through the reawakening of human values has inspired millions to broaden their spheres of responsibility and work towards the betterment of the world.
Sri Sri is a multi-faceted social activist whose initiatives include conflict resolution, disaster and trauma relief, poverty alleviation, empowerment of women, prisoner rehabilitation, education for all and campaigns against female foeticide and child labour. He is engaged in peace negotiations and counselling in conflict zones around the world. His expertise in bringing opposing parties to the negotiating table in areas such as Sri Lanka, Iraq, Cameroon, Kashmir and Bihar is widely acknowledged.
In 1981, Sri Sri established the Art of Living, an educational and humanitarian Non-Governmental Organisation that works in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Present in over 140 countries, it formulates and implements lasting solutions to conflicts and issues faced by individuals, communities and nations. In 1997, Sri Sri founded the International Association for Human Values (IAHV) to foster human values and lead sustainable development projects.
Sri Sri has reached out to an estimated 300 million people worldwide through personal interactions, public events, teachings, Art of Living workshops and humanitarian initiatives. Not since Mahatma Gandhi has one person united people of different traditions and faiths into a spiritual communion across the length and breadth of India.
He has brought to the masses ancient practices which were traditionally kept exclusive and has designed many self-development techniques which can easily be integrated into daily life to calm the mind and instill confidence and enthusiasm. These techniques have helped thousands overcome depression and violent and suicidal tendencies. One of his most unique offerings to the world is the Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful breathing technique that facilitates physical, mental, emotional and social well-being.
Numerous honours have been bestowed upon Sri Sri, including the Order of the Pole Star (the highest state honour in Mongolia), the Peter the Great Award (Russian Federation), the Sant Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize (India) and the Global Humanitarian Award (USA). Sri Sri has addressed several prestigious international forums, including the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit (2000), the World Economic Forum (2001, 2003) and several parliaments across the globe.
Sri Sri travels to nearly 40 countries every year, exemplifying his call to globalise wisdom. His universal message is that love and wisdom can prevail over hatred and distress.
You Can Also Enjoy his soulfull peacefulll music (artofliving.org)
Posted by prashant at 10:28 PM